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Ostomy diet restrictions black pepper - operation fare rules black pepper

01-02-2017 à 10:16:31
Ostomy diet restrictions black pepper
There is no love in the slaughter of another living being, justt because my brain is bigger, my right to live and be free should not also be greater. It strip-mines fossil water, pumped from underground aquifiers that took millions of years to fill —all to grow corn, wheat, and soybeans on land best suited for grazing livestock on perennial grasses. I wish you good roads on your own journey. The question is whether you want to know the truth of prove yourself right. Buffalo milk is much more thick, rich, double fat, protein and minerals and is much more tasty as well. Industrial, chemical fertilizer and pesticide-based monocropping (usually of GMO grains) is an unsustainable environmental disaster whether we feed the result to cattle, to pigs, or to people. I have no general issue with your article on the grounds of digestion. Moreover, while being digested, meat is known to generate steroid metabolites possessing carcinogenic (cancer-producing) properties. They are therefore much more likely to have become our ancestors. So our system is very well adjusted to nuts. Put a tray full of various foods in front of the same baby: fruits, biscuits, grains, legumes, veggies, seeds etc. Thanks for the essay, yes, I enjoyed it very much. So I started in on some clams and oysters, moved on to sardines and salmon, and, after reading so much on this and related websites regarding Paleo diets, have started in on grass-fed cow muscle and organs. I hope that this stupid myth will go the way of the Piltdown man. But I agree with most of what they say, and I support their work (as does, I believe, most of the paleo community. If those are soaked and cooked well, there will be no problem and no farting. Your Volunteerism is what allows your free will to exist. The colon gets more and more irritated and irritable. Every bite you take requires the death of animals. The proteolytic bacteria live happily on the minute amount of protein and fat which escapes carnivorous digestion and prosper, maintaining a thriving bacterial community. Butyric acid is a short chain saturated fat (which of course is not artery clogging, that was a joke) and while our gut does not produce a lot of it, it can nonetheless reach several hundreds kcal per day (showing once more that calorie counting is bullshit as the calories provided by fiber is never accounted for). In one case he got from a person 3 gallons of putrified matter. Nothing makes me angrier than the factory farming system, except maybe child abuse. I started farting which is a sign of the meat rotting and followed by constipation in the morning. Also, is it true that we have absolutely no gut bacteria that can digest cellulose. I wrote an article on the same subject based on my medical experience. I do it because some of them taste good. Vegan food is the healthiest and gives you everything your body needs, a complete, healthy, cruelty-free, nutritional package. I actually have been fine since them with no problems and wonder what am I actually missing out on. There have already been cases of the virus wiping out whole soybean fields. Given the shape of the graphs, I have a hard time blaming obesity on sloth and gluttony — because that hypothesis depends on a massive nationwide moral failure roughly contemporaneous with the Reagan inauguration. Nothing rots in the small intestine unless you suffer from SIBO, because the bacterial population there is insignificant (as the paper I linked shows). So zero-carbing is kind of like veganism, in the sense that it can be done healthily (though perhaps not optimally) but to do so requires carefully selected foods from often geographically disparate sources and possibly supplementation. I would very much like to hear your opion on my condition. Perphaps the genuine canines of non-human primates are used for their occasional attacks or slaughter of each other and other animals. I agree with this article and great post. Not to mention the additional waste created by the feed animals, water consumed and energy used. I would like to find a project for computational chemistry that would allow me to make additional discovery related to the topic. Is there a substantial difference for eating pork. 000 patience. I suspect that early man fed himself on roots and grubs far more consistently than he fed himself on meat. Lastly, meat-eating destroys nature and promotes global hunger. By working to restore gut flora to normal levels, the intestinal tract is allowed to start repairing any damage by itself. Red and dark pink fruit have the most of certain phytochemicals. Inevitably all will be in place soon enough. Synthesis and commercial production of vitamins lagged far behind their discovery and chemical identification. In truth and logical defense of a Vegan and Vegetarian diet, of fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables. As research continues, evidence linking meat-eating to other forms of cancer is building up at an alarming rate. It does important things, like keeping solid particles out of your lungs and stopping stomach acid from eating through your body. Cooking with these kind of oils will oxidise them and they become unstable very quickly. In rapid succession, other vitamins were discovered: Vitamin A (1913), Vitamin D (1918), Vitamin C (1919), Vitamin E (1922), Vitamin B3 (1928), Vitamin B5 (1930), Vitamin B2 and K (1938), etc. Link to Youtube video: Carl Sagan: A fire Breathing, invisible, flying Dragon Lives in my Garage. The comments about farming displacing animals are misleading too, although I will read the source material you mentioned. I would love to see more articles about fertility and diet and how decreasing grains and increasing fat and proteins from reliable (grass fed, pastured) sources can help. Also recall that most African slaves were sold by African kings who were glad to get rid of prisoners, war or otherwise — and many wars were started in order to gain captives to sell into slavery. HERBIVORE: Dull and short or long (for defense), or none. We have laws to protect some animals but not others. And to have another eloquent example: take the Eskimo people (as being mainly carnivors) and take the Shaolin or Tao monks (as being mainly vegan). I intend to catch a copy of his revised book shortly. I will have a look soon (when my internet connection is better). It is backed by great resources but the main points are not distorted, they are true to the results of the studies. My primary reason for being vegetarian is that once I realized what was taking place within the mass factory farm situations, I chose to not be part of it. However, the fact remains that vegetables (with the exception of root starches) provide little caloric value to us: there are perhaps 70 available calories in an entire pound of mixed greens. It turns out that pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and our other proteases do a fine job of breaking down meat protein, and bile salts and lipase do a fine job of breaking down animal fat. Thanks in advance and sorry for the length of this. Proteins in CGM inhibit root formation on newly-germinated seeds, killing the plant. There is no real humane way to slaughter an animal. It is taking away the chances of them ever having a strong and active life. It would seem many of these very elderly victims of the tobacco industry also ate fatty animal foods, too. Look back on what I said in my original response to you, Mike. Overall I have no issue with people eating meat or raising animals as food. Then, a few years ago I found that I had to give up fiber as well. Voegtlin provides a short history of human evolution and the likely dietary changes that have occurred over millions of years. If you need a refresher on what good science actually is you could do worse than check out Science for Smart People on You Tube. Animals who are naturally designed to consume meat have very short intestines, to push the rotting meat very quickly out of the body. However, there are many options for sustainable consumption of animals and animal products. It seems he is quoted quite a bit by vegans. Vegetarianism is a religious belief, and it first appears in the historical record in Greece and India around 600 BC. Here is a couple articles linking HIGH IQ as a child to a vegetarian diet as an adult that you were asking about earlier. 6 months ago I decided to go vegetarian. Increasing the quality of a paleo diet is significantly more expensive and requires quite a bit more land usage because you first have to raise the feed for the animals and then raise the animals, and you have to do it all in a sustainable, healthy way. However, these bacteria, if offered simply carbohydrates, are capable of decomposing them also, but when this happens acid and gas are produced. People, particularly in the US, have become accustomed to really cheap food. I would expect beans, artichokes, asparagus, and certain fruits (especially dried fruits) to be a problem: you can read a list of common FODMAP-containing foods here. It appeared reasonable to all concerned that increased vitamin intake would be of great benefit to mankind. On the diet, only monosaccharide carbohydrates are allowed to be eaten as all others require extra digestion steps to break the chemical bonds down to monosaccharide carbohydrates. Putrefactive bacteria, or proteolytic organisms, as they may be euphemistically designated, when they attack meat and fat change those substances into fatty acids, glycerine, and conglomerates of amino acids called proteases and peptides. Also, the eyes of many predators are able to track movement A LOT more easily than us, to enable them to accurately attack prey. I will say one good thing about fruitarians: they know to avoid the processed junk so often marketed as health food to Vegans. No other animals enslave, use and abuse another species the way we do, and we call ourselves superior. Nigerian life expectancy at birth is currently 51, with US life expectancy at birth is currently 78. Furthermore, there are no known vegetarian ancestral cultures — even agriculturalists greatly prize meat. Just to close the subject on colon irrigation, here are some photos. Next, the comments about jaw morphology and motion are simply wrong. The bacteria that live in our intestines are incapable of digesting plants and so are we. I read his remarks as referring to a subset of vegetarians, i. The orthorexic obsession with food required by those locked into such a paradigm seems pathological (as in mental illness) to me. I choose not to waste any more time chasing this fire breathing(meat eating) Dragon around, so if you want to continue to do so, that is your choice. The only thing we mainly differ from carnivores in is that we have an appendix. If there were a wiser, stronger species on earth, I would want it to let me be. And forgotten by most here, the U. Breaking the Vicious Cycle is the reason we are here today and. It had been noted that if a carrot, for instance, was boiled, a significant amount of its Vitamin A seemed to be destroyed. Trying to eat less meat is a useless rear-guard action in the face of third-world population growth. And he continues with a whole raft of counterfactual statements: just for starters, Indian vegetarians have higher rates of heart disease than Indian meat-eaters. Yes, the microbes are at work on the leftovers of my meat, making some 1,5-Diaminopentane and 1,4-Diaminobutane in the process. Barron is a very slick presenter: he manages to state complete falsehoods in a very plausible-seeming manner, take little bits of information out of context in order to build straw men to knock down, and he uses several other techniques of fallacious argument to mislead people. Our ancestors were definitely eating meat since 3. Deptarment of Agriculture inspectors to stop this abuse and their willingness to look the other way. Butter for wetting up veggies, for laying a piece on a cooked steak, fine, otherwise, you want to be looking at a fat which will remain stable at temperature. Throughout history very intelligent free thinking people all associated with peace have argued that vegetarianism is key to this world knowing peace. Human digestive systems largely match Chimpanzees, who eat mostly fruits and nuts and termites, but will eat a small amount of monkey meat when they can get it. I have a friend that swears pork stays in the colon for 14 days. Also meat has NO fiber, very important nutrient that is essential for digestion and for good health. Male humans show colour preferences to blue and green, like other apes, whereas female humans prefer red. ). All the residues, toxins and chemicals from the animal industry goes into the water, air and into the ground. With all this being said, it is more than clear that a plant-based diet is optimal for everything, health, animals, planet, respecting human anatomy, global hunger etc. Melissa, you have done all that you can do to bring light into the cave of the dead animal eaters, but they will resist the light. Unlike a vegan diet of grains, which is dependent on GMO soy and bases its entire moral superiority on eating somewhat less of it. Ruminant digestive system, courtesy of the University of Minnesota. And if the human body is not suppose to digest sugars, Grains and vegetables why does it have all those trillions of bacterias in the large intestine and colon for. According to their Wikipedia article, they often do it with the help of prokaryotic symbionts, but they are apparently capable of doing it on their own if they must. I agree, then, that vegetarians who consume some animal products, but not the flesh of land animals, can live long, healthy lives. Also beans do not make me gassy but man some of the asian cooking products sure do. I do my best to write articles that are understandable to everyone. Every pound of locally produced, grass-finished beef we eat is several dollars going directly to local farmers and abattoirs — and, more importantly, not going to Monsanto, ADM, Cargill, or other giant, destructive agribusinesses. Industrial agriculture is an environmental disaster whether the end result is fed to cattle or to people. And collagen is well-digested: gelatin is just hydrolyzed collagen. Perhaps following their advice for a just a few milleniums could be wise. org in return for grass-finished beef should contact me. H. I hope parents will read that and take your advice to heart. 39 (95% CI: 1. By eliminating complex carbohydrates, lactose, sucrose and other man-made ingredients from the digestive process, the body is finally allowed to start healing. S. I know at least two people who are insistent on vegetarianism because of their arthritis (women in their 60s), and who use all kinds of animal-protein substitutes like margarines and tofutti spread and soy sausages. I can only have faith that Humankind wakes up from their slumber. And the list may not prove something but the research with High IQ and the choice to become a vegetarian as an adult is some evidence. By contrast, eating meat, while satisfying, seems a bit bland. I see a hot babe on the street whom I can overpower and fcuk, and I do it, it would be called rape. I think this is also the key for us advancing our society further than we have already. They are in fact synthesized by healthy living cells in the body. Forward facing eyes are essential for animals, like primates, that climb trees, as it enables us to judge depth and work our way through branches and dense vegetation. I stopped eating meat basically because my best friend was doing it. If not, you probably have a metabolic issue. You already have even a UN report from 2010 here, urging everyone to adopt a vegan diet, so not much to debate on this issues. In mammals, only frugivores, or animals who eat a significant amount of fruit (like other primates) have good colour vision. A lot of it unfortunately comes down to cost. They look like shit and that is because of their diet, lacking antioxidants which are an exclusive trait of vegan foods. Should it wipe out the entire GMO soy crop in the USA, Brazil,Argentina, etc, there could be a large scale Ireland. I will try fish in a couple days and report back. It is a great, clear presentation of the science. It makes me very, very grateful to all animals I eat for making my life and health possible. Unfortunately for a lot of vegans, I think the entire concept of killing animals for food is repulsive. Macfarlane GT, Allison C, Gibson SA, Cummings JH. Having said all this, I absolutely agree that, as evidence repeatedly has shown, empowering and educating women is the quickest shortcut to reducing the birth rate. You can find the documentaries easily, but for who is interested you can find all of them in one place, I gathered them all and many others on my informative site, here. Forth: When man started to use fire he learned to cook the (NON-GMO)beans, grains, nuts, corn, etc. Tell you what, how about you vegans go over there and eat your whatever it is you eat and us meat eaters will sit over here and eat whatever it is we eat. Well, there are a lot of things I wish I knew when I was younger. So sending food to Africa only leads to an expanded population and an even bigger food crisis and greater problems of malnutrition. Evidence of how unsuitable meat is for human digestion is the relationship established by numerous studies between colon cancer and meat-eating. So quit being a hypocrite, either legalize rape, murder and what not or go vegan. ). No mention of moderation, which every source advocates. However i noticed that when i ate a certain amount of meat before consuming vegetable i would have a much happy system. The only real way to take a stand is to refuse to participate. Am J Clin Nutr May 2009 vol. Some, more than others, and that is not a cop-out. Colon irrigation is a very healthy way to mantain basic hygine and to take out the old mucus. While I know this conversation on their website can be dismissed as moot, for it seems it can be argued that they are schilling for fear conversions to their diet, I thought it interesting how their arguments are so easily dismantled as there is a large amount of misrepresentation going on. The more carbohydrates one consumes (that is, if one is a sugar burner) the more acidic the mouth environment becomes, and incidentally, the more tooth decay occurs. Fibre is vital to help move food through the intestines. A natural meat-eater would have the direct instinct to jump towards those animals, the instinct to kill. Meat-centered diets are almost always high in fat and low in fibre, resulting in a slow transit time through the colon and allowing toxic wastes to do their damage. Start with Step 1 and 2, and move forward from there. Thats the beauty of being human, that we have the choice every time we sit down to eat. I have a very hard time imagining that we will ever have sustainable ranch-fed beef production that is affordable for the average person with populations at the current levels. It is funny how most of you are justifying your actions as if to make your guilt subside. I have just read through the last years worth of comments on the subject, and I think the ethics do play a part in the discussion IF you are a vegetarian or vegan. In any given population, someone is bound to beat the odds. However, there is a near universal repulsion among humans to feces. Once you address the fundamental biochemical issues underlying depression and low self-esteem, you can start working on the other stuff. In a world where the amount of food is turbo-charged (even if its the wrong food) the population has managed to get turbo-charged. For writing so clearly about something that I have known for a long time. Your point about evolution is well taken, however. It is used industrially in the manufacture of many different acids. We have tried the whole eating meat thing for millions, perhaps it has given us our big brains, and our fancy iphones, and rocket ships and satellites. True carnivores can either obtain all of their required nutrients from meat, or may consume the gut contents of their prey. But one can argue we cant even figure out how to do that. As gut flora levels start to stabilize, the reduction of irritants from undigested foods, toxins and other man-made ingredients allows inflammation levels to retreat. Eventually our pyloric valve opens, and our stomach releases the chyme, bit by bit, into our small intestine—where a collection of salts and enzymes goes to work. Of course there are benefits from many of the things on the fart list: vegetables provide color and flavor to meat and eggs, and I eat them daily. Animals are gentle, innocent, defenseless beings, who did you no harm, and nobody has the right to enslave, torture and slaughter them, because you have plenty of delicious, healthy, accesible, economical, non-cruelty food around. It would matter a lot to the millions of families who are shipped the bodies of their sons, brothers and husbands home to bury. I made a mistake, I am fairly new to this comment board thing. I was a vegetarian from my early teens through my mid-twenties and anorexic for even longer. If steatorrhea is your problem, you may well have some sort of cirrhosis (including PBC) or other liver injury, and you need to see a medical professional about that. We have a small stomach capacity and it empties in 3 hours, while herbivores stomachs never empty. Some extreme vegan diets advocate eating nothing but raw plants. Anyway I will try reducing FODMAPs from my diet and moving to a meat diet. If I am to believe the information on both web sites, Christian Mortensen was a vegetarian and a smoker. And thanks for the additional information on cadaverine and putrescine. The fact that grass-finished beef is becoming more expensive is a sign that there is great demand for it, and indeed, US production has multiplied dramatically since the 1980s. This process produces various chemicals, which include methane. Since plants and vegetables are hard to digest could I drink them instead. in that it is not as strong of a correlation between childhood IQ and becoming a vegetarian as an adult. The article conclusively debunked this statement ( reference ). Then I went to a strictly clear liquid diet, to adding green veggie smoothies, to adding protein powder to my smoothies, to adding raw green veggies. interviewed dozens of slaughterhouse workers throughout the country (which by the sounds of it is your country). Now I realize why I have strayed from such discussions. I got to about the third word and gave up. I am not personally going for a zero residue diet. The comments section has a list of mostly vegetarian centenarians, but there are a couple of Vegans. So, yes, the words that aprile used sound ugly and all that, but they are just words. So the only way that any animal can fully digest plants is for its gut bacteria to break down cellulose, and its intestines absorb the waste products. 5 million years ago, were used to deflesh animal carcasses. Raw grains and raw beans are at best non-nutritious, and at worst poisonous. I have a major issue with the meat industry as it exists and the mass consumption of meat that drives it. Most of Africa is only alive because of massive food aid sent there from Europe every year, which is the byproduct of massive farm subsidies (much like those in America). 91). Only some beans can do that, and it is not from rotting, it is from inhibitors. I have very high self esteem, as do most of the vegans I know. In reply to Jenna: I tried to look up this Peter R. The vast majority of doctors knows nothing about nutrition, because this topic is NOT studied in the medical school, they know and learn only how to stuff your ass with non-effective pills and to schedule you for not-always-needed surgeries. I sear the outside of my steaks and roasts for flavor, but I prefer the rest. In closing, I admire your honesty and forthrightness. Solution: as Paul pointed out, acid supplementation will get anyone with a problem over the hump. I understand the frustration with the population growth, but the answer is not to let them all starve to death until their culture changes to allow the mothers AND FATHERS to put more resources into fewer children. Note I say what it may indicate, not what it means. While schilly, it still offers a gross misrepresentation that, if people trust him, may do more harm than good. Not an adaption, not choice, but an evolutionary change. Also, if it is true that the formidable armies of ancient Rome primarily subsisted on rations of grain that they ground daily with their portable mills, then a high protein diet is not necessarily the best option for all peoples. Any of you that think humans were meant to be meat eaters are wrong. But if people ask me about specific claims I can often address them. To get that many carbs from greens is crazy and I also believe that our ancestors would not spend the day gathering tons of green veggies. I would like to mention another reason the human body is very well equipped to digest meat. the enzyme elastase which helps us break down fibrous meats. I visited Wikipedia (the font of all knowledge) and looked up fermentation. I just recently had some digestive surgery and afterwords i noticed that eating vegetable by themselves say in a salad would cause me to have discomfort and i could see everything that i ate after i went to the bathroom a couple hours later. But today, due to evolution, such a scenario does not exist anymore, since you can find enough vegan food anytime, anywhere and it is time to think health and ethics. Cracking cellulose seems to require about a week and lots of fermentation, and, uh, re-chewing, so even if we do have the bacteria, they do not do much. This is a far cry from eating only raw fruits and some kinds of greens. I ask for well marbled beef and fatty wild salmon. So recolonizing will help: but mainly you want to eat things that require little enzymatic digestion, are digested with stomach and saliva enzymes, or increase enzyme secretion. I think many people deep in their heart and soul feel it to be wrong, but just go along with the rest of the herd. So I am sticking to meat, veggies, some dairy and some fruit. 4% is likely due to dead intestinal bacteria (which make up a significant fraction of feces), not undigested meat. Or could it be the confounding variables of wheat, sugar, or even preservatives and industrial seed oils. Kellogg, George Bernard Shaw, Albert Schweitzer, Pythagorus, Voltaire, Leo Tolstoy, Thorea, Gandhi, and Einstein. Just eating meat, nothing else and I will not add butter to the meat so it can lubricate my intestines. Also for the double post, as I had mentioned, this is fairly new to my approach of gathering information. The one thing that has changed is my pooop is smellier. Even chimpanzees and bonobos eat monkeys, with great violence and relish. Fortunately there are people like Mike out there who are much more clear-headed about their reasons. People often overthink their problems, many of which are fixed by simply eating a healthy human diet. And I have been constipated only one time. Just like there are people who can high-jump over 2 meters or run the 100 meter dash in under 10 seconds, there are people who can thrive on a fruitarian diet. This process of fermentation is one of the most important biological reactions in nature. The theoretical issue I see is just the scale of it though. Yes, we owe our lives to the animals we eat, as does every other carnivorous and omnivorous animal on the Earth. He compares the digestive anatomy of carnivores and herbivores, providing details on dogs, sheep, and humans. My dietary guidelines are found in Eat Like A Predator. Though I consider myself a polymath, computational chemistry is outside my field of expertise. You addicted meat-eaters have no arguments for eating animal products, it is again only greed, tradition and gluttony, so please come clean on that. You can read the post, and if you feel like I took your statements out of context or anything be sure to let me know. By ingenious pioneer research Funk, about 1911, found a cure for this illness in the cast-off bran from the polished rice and established it as a deficiency or nutritional disease. The transverse colon is now connected to the rectum. It sucks that you had to learn it that way, though. The other thing I am wondering regarding the paelo diet is why nuts and seeds are not encouraged. Thank you for the great article and contribution to the comments section which i find very informative. I would rather think our digestive system, lacking rumens or any length, with passage times of about 2 days, is simply not equipped to digest it. Did you know that when dead cannibals are given autopsies, up to 40 pounds of vegetarian idiots are found in there. On the other hand, the monks known little to no disease, average lifespan of over 85 with many monks constantly reaching 95-100 years of age, and practicing martial arts at a high lever well after reaching 80-90 years of age. S. Why would I concern myself with politics at all. The healthiest diet in the long term will be the one that consumes the most nutrient-dense real foods and avoids the most processed foods. On the other hand, anyone who preferentially ate animal protein and fat in the ancestral environment would have been much more likely to live longer and stay healthier. Finally, keep in mind that many people are simply set in their ways and will never consider changing them, no matter how ridiculous their beliefs. That history shaped us into what we are today: intelligent, opportunistic omnivores. 6 (this may be on or off one or two. Also see this full-length article on the subject. I really appreciate your body of knowlege and the many insights into nutrution, but am surprised by your rigidity all the same. When fermentation takes place in your colon, the products are carbon dioxide (a gas) and alcohol. As far as agricultural efficiency: only 18% of the USA is arable, most of it on the Great Plains, and much of it only because of water provided at great expense by environmentally destructive, government-built dams. Those brilliant people listed above were able to hold firm in those beliefs that a vegetarian diet is essential for us as a society to progress into something new, something more beautiful and more full of love and enlightenment then we have ever been able to achieve. 89 no. The abstract of that paper neither says nor implies any such thing — nor do any of the citations of it I can find. a very long chain of sugars) that is very difficult to break down. Now if vegan pseudoscience is right, we would suspect that the hose was being plugged by pieces of meat. I find it very difficult to believe that bone and joint health could be compromised by eating a nutrient-dense, animal-based diet, but I have no sources handy that can explain the science to people who are hearing this. I must say that my gut bacteria apparently get far less leftovers when I eat meat than when I eat plant matter from beans or kale. I feed a cow, jail it forever, impregnate it over and over again, drain its milk, slay its calf and finally when the cow can no longer give milk, slay it too. I walk a lot and mostly around the fields and hills within a few miles of my house which is farming country. Your website is pretty great, it gives a lot of sound advice, but I do worry that people may get the wrong idea and forgo eating as many vegetables as they should. Tags: annoyances, debunking myths, diet, digestion, does meat rot in your colon, does meat rot in your stomach, paleo. This may have something to do with the predominant fuel that the body uses. So such a person is not likely to have become our ancestors. One last remark, so as not to waste any more of your precious dubunking time. Both times after eating in a restaurant where cross-contamination was most likely the culprit. And, lest we forget, both fast food and junk food existed before 1980. He has almost convinced her that a piece of beef takes 4 days to digest. As a meat eater, I must say that you are absolutely correct, aprile. HUMAN: 21% to 27% of total volume of digestive tract. I tried following their advice for a while, but my body refused to cooperate. Almost everybody was lied and misinformed by the meat and dairy industry, and that is acceptable, what is unacceptable is not to change when you have the true and accurate information that points you to the best diet, for this nobody has an excuse. We also have hands to pick fruits off the tree. Thankfully, I read GOOD CALORIES, BAD CALORIES by Gary Taubes, and that gave me a whole new perspective on food. You have then NOT EVEN basic information of the human anatomy. If you would actually read THE GNOLL CREDO, you might understand what JS is all about. If you know where I can read the full text, please let me know. In return, I make it my business to give them a good life. Each has a long evolutionary history of eating animals as part or all of its diet, and each is well-adapted to do so in its own way. Either way, two things: first, I like red meat (not the female), my Mrs (the female) like blueberries and broccoli. Like as not, if you are fat, you are either hypothyroid or somewhere on the metabolic syndrome-type 2 diabetes spectrum as well. A ted talk on using diet to stop angiogenesis. Significance of microflora in proteolysis in the colon. g. These early capsules were lacking in some as yet undiscovered vitamins, not always of standard potency, and entirely too expensive to take just for fun. Population studies are especially vulnerable to error in that researchers will find what they want to find (confirmation bias). In fact, no digestive enzyme, in any animal, is capable of breaking down cellulose. There is some question over the copyright, the author being deceased, so I will not provide a direct link to the file here. The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) is a group of foods which are grain-free, sugar-free, starch-free, and unprocessed. However, there are a few important facts to keep in mind. It is true that long time ago, hungers were eating lots of meat, but they lived some an intense life that they were requiring a great deal of protein. Carnivores release A LOT more hydrochloric acid than us humans. I love nuts and it pains to restrict them. In other words, you can get plenty of B12 as a vegan so long as you eat your own poop. The productivity of the land is entirely directed into human mouths (to the best of our ability) and people are still dying. Do those plants rot or ferment in you colon. All, the time the reported cause for ALL those disease is the same: cholesterol, animal saturated fats and animal protein, doubled by the toxines, hormones and antibiotics found automatically in the dead corpses of massacred animals. I wonder where carnists would get enough daily water without the tap. But by continuing to partake in the murder and eating of sentient emotional beings with a desire to live and be free and perpetuating the slaughter of millions of animals, we will never live to see a day where we no longer slaughter and kill one another. Furthermore, we have bile salts for a reason — they raise the pH of. What kind of joke it is a about eating other humans. Peter R. Cattle should be eating grass, and we should be buying meat from cattle that eat grass. Your argument that food aid actually hurts countries in the long run is, I think, good. I could never eat a vegan diet for that reason. I am always greatly disturbed by Vegan or Veg type people raising children on low protein diets. Other lol shit is when retards say red meat causes cancer. I feel like this is a very worthwhile conversation. It was immediately apparent to those interested in nutritional problems that, since beri-beri did not afflict the millions of people who had never tasted rice, Vitamin B1 could not possibly be a vital principle found only in rice bran. Would you or anyone please compare the life span of meat-eating persons. It demands giant, river-killing dams to fill irrigation canals. Any food that is not properly digested causes bacterial and yeast overgrowth when undigested carbohydrates are fed on by bacteria and yeast in the intestinal tract. True carnivores move raw meat through their digestive tracts quickly within about three hours. So ultimately I do what I do because I feel like it has minimal impact, I still enjoy my life and eat healthy (albeit with a decent bit of extra effort), and I feel like it is ultimately a sustainable practice that I want to help contribute to financially and by improving the body of knowledge about how to live vegan. 4 million years ago, and probably since before our split with the ancestors of chimpanzees and bonobos (who also eat meat) 6-7 million years ago. But I suspect you might find a grain and bean-free, high-animal-fat diet to be even better. We should all be on opposite science sides. Therefore no food arrives there to support a fermentative colony. Only after being force-fed with them, the brain wrongly learns the smell and taste of meat and animal products. Soon it was found that many of the other vitamins were heat-labile, that is, they were destroyed or reduced in potency by heating. However, I did find his examination of the progression of dietary changes from the early neolithic to modern man to be instructive. A search for it among other nutriments found thiamine to be widely distributed in nearly all foods. not so with fibrous veggies as you have stated. My opinion is that we should face the problem and fix it while there are still a few scraps of the planet left to save. When I used to eat wheat flour, I often made my own sourdough starter. Even something that happens only once every 1,000 years — like a 1,000 year drought — is basically a continual crisis in evolutionary time. I am happy to be among them, in the hopes that one day mankind will be able to let go of the archaic past of murder, pain and death and instead at one of kindness, love and compassion. This is when I started to explore different diet options available. Lovely stuff, if you can get the milk but there are so few producers and largely, they turn it straight into cheese and butter for ghee. My beliefs are rooted in reasons and information, and if those change, I have no categorical need to adhere to the previous conclusions. Kris, it would take a book to explain in detail why dietary fat is not to be feared. Your comment is instructive, however, because it shows how these myths grow and mutate over time. You seem to be operating under the assumption that none of us knows what you write about. However, a balanced Vegetarian diet is an entirely different matter. The nutritional profiles of these diets can be completely different, individual choices on implementation notwithstanding. If vegetarians want to be taken seriously they have to stop using this argument. You make a valid point that a natural whole-foods vegetarian diet including eggs and cultured milk products can be very healthy. Very little makes sense outside the light of evolution. What is curently happening is an unstable coupling of still high birth rates (although with an ever decreasing trend worldwide), and unforeseeably low death rates. I wish to examine the data myself to see whether the authors of said studies used observational or clinical data. In the Paleo arena, it is taken for granted that our ancestors gathered loads of vegetable matter for consumption in addition to meat. I did try to go vegan and it does not work. It is still worth working on both though. What I read in your article seems to support this in that I have a lot of gas which means food is being processed in my large intestine. CARNIVORE: Less than or equal to pH 1 with food in stomach. I raise chickens for eggs, though we have killed a few to eat as well. This exotic malady, apparently limited to Asians living in the Orient, attracted the interest of a Polish-American biochemist, one Casimir Funk. A strictly anaerobic cellulolytic strain designated 18P13T was isolated from human faecal sample. A large, slowly-reproducing species like humans is limited not by our ability to reproduce during good times, but by our ability to survive bad times. In other words, meat is digested by enzymes produced by our own bodies. I have done these colonics so many times that when people tell me that there is no such a thing as mucus, this makes me laugh. This indicates that there are a couple of statements made in this thread, that might have been made with a bit more caution. Strain 18P13T was able to degrade microcrystalline celluloses but utilization of soluble sugars was restricted to cellobiose. You compare a butcher shop to a fruit and vegetable market. HOWEVER, if that is the case, people should be able to eat a relatively minimal amount of meat and very minimal plant matter in order to optimize that chain. This starts a chain reaction of excess toxins and acids which cause irritation of the small intestine cells damaging them and causing food absorption issues which only helps to continue the cycle. It demands unimaginable amounts of fossil fuels to create nitrogen fertilizer, toxic herbicides and pesticides, and giant sowing and harvesting machines, and to transport the grain from the Midwest to where people actually live. Evolution as the foundation and more recent adaption for the fine detail. Wonderful post, wonderful responses to the many comments. I agree that humans are obviously not obligate carnivores. CARNIVORE: 60% to 70% of total volume of digestive tract. In my own experience and that of many people I know, vegetarianism served as a convenient and socially acceptable means to limit caloric intake. Most of the edible part of a plant is cellulose, a polysaccharide (i. We should understand and respect that we are just one part of the cycle of life, of eating and being eaten. My source on indigenous dental health: THE FAT OF THE LAND (1956) by Vilhjalmur Stefansson. You have nothing new to add to this discussion. That being said, I also expect minimal progress to ever be made on the vegan front as a large scale movement because, well, people like bacon. Those animals that our early forefathers did manage to kill were thin and filled with parasites. You can do things that modern medicine says is unhealthy and live to a ripe old age (or not). These free radicals are released into the body during the long digestion process. Recycling and driving a Prius is rounding error compared to the ecological impact of bringing another child into the world. This does not, however, happen in your stomach, because the stomach uses its acidic environment to mechanically tear apart the (chewed) foods that enter through the esophagus. JS, you really have a way with simplifying it right down to understandable pieces. ONe can thus say that even cows, horses and gorillas are low-carbers. (And for remembering that men are part of the equation, too. Regarding digestion of meat, the idea that it is rather easy to digest is very interesting. The Nigerian birth rate has been dropping steadily, although it is still high. Humans have incisors on both jaws, herbivores have it on the lower. All humans are adversely affected by foods which damage the gut. I just wanted to offer that the repeated comments about population growth in Ethiopia are being interpreted by me perhaps in a way that you did not intend. What comes out with irrigation after some time, are leather-like strings or hardened mucus plague, which has the shape of colon. Pure, White, and Deadly a book about sugar by John Yudkin. Conflict exists because we fight for resources, be that as an individual, a tribe, a nation or a species. After taking some time to read all of the above responses to this informative post, I would like to address a couple of things, and perhaps add more wood to the fire. Now i am going to show all of them this information. As such, cadaverine is produced by everyone in very small amounts. You need to be careful to distinguish the small and large intestines. Another type of human instincts: take any baby that still have intact natural instincts, not old enough to have them spoiled and manipulated by the uninformed adults surrounding him. Any CA or NV rancher interested in trading advertising space on gnolls. We Must Reclaim Human Health, Sustainability, Environmental Justice, And Morality From The Birdseed Brigade. Perhaps an increased intake of these vitamins would prevent cancer and many other diseases beside beri-beri. I could not find the original source for the quote supposedly made by him. This is because poop contains water (which is most of the weight), dead intestinal bacteria (which is much of the solid bulk), and dead blood cells (which turn it brown). But if you are one of the lucky few who needs a bit of digestive support this diet was created especially for you. This has caused me a lot of discomfort in my personal life. Meat eating creatures have a very short intestine and are very acidic, they get rid of it without fiber, we cant. Both compounds are produced by the breakdown of amino acids in living and dead organisms. Since there is no carbohydrate present they cannot produce any acid, and the resulting alkaline reaction of the colon is very much to the liking of these organisms. Instead it came from the population boom of the early industrial age combined with massive poverty in overpopulated cities. One may also consider that the truth you have shared, threatens those that do not take the proper actions as a living Human Being and are feeling the guilt and remorse in the lack of doing as such. I saw it referred to on some Paleo blogs and decided to look it up. The Japanese and Chinese had succumbed to beri-beri because the thiamine-deficient polished rice had crowded out nearly all other foods which did contain the vitamin. Raw meat: Digested beautifully however my armpits and feces stank the day after. I would like to add that my pork shoulder roast had already started rotting before I even cooked it. If observational, the data is practically useless due to confounding variables. Wow, so there really are at least some Vegan centenarians. The desire to live that exists in those millions of dogs own and loved in peoples homes is the same for every animal. Revulsion for meat is a learned, cultural phenomenon, usually religious in origin (e. Globally, up to 70% of the grains and up to 50% of the water goes to the animals raised for meat, milk and eggs, and if directed towards starving people, everyone would have something to eat and drink. I like them understand when it comes to my diet and what I eat it isnt just about me. See the last two paragraphs of my reply four comments up ( link ). Actually, we are NOT designed to be omnivorous, in any way shape or form AT ALL. Please next time do not try to cheat people. With global food supplies and continually available foods, we have lost the notion of local and seasonal eating. Raw fish: Digested beautifully however my armpits and feces stank the day after. A dog has a stomach pH of 1-2, rising to 3 with digestion on a raw diet and 6 on a diet of dry dog food ( source ). I can give examples of people getting rid of their diseases after turning vegan etc etc. Anything we do here is useless in the face of third-world population growth (including those that immigrate to the First World). Pigs have been shown to have intelligence that exceeds a three year old child. is a Republic, not a Democracy and just because the majority believes what they are fed does not make the majority right to rule. Tropical fruits most of you have never seen in your lives. We are desensitized, and have been told that it is just the way we are for as long as we can remember. In old Paleo the food supply would sync with the number of people, people would limit to match the food supply, animals do this with no trouble. The bacteria that live in the intestines of not only humans, but all animals, digest most of the nutrients that come from our stomach for us. Dr. I find the most digestible meals to be some kind of red meat and little else. ). Starch is indeed digested by amylase and taken up as glucose: I thought I made that clear in the article. Otherwise the Serengeti and the Great Plains would have blown away into dust millions of years ago from the tens of millions of wildebeest and bison that grazed there. Posters on both extremes can get pretty rabid at times. 0-7. Brain scans and modern technologies can now show the true responses in the brain so the logic of the modern dead animal eaters is currently being proven false. The statement that diet influences mouth pH is also probably true. ). In that case, you might try the following (note: I am not a doctor, please read my disclaimer on the left sidebar) and see if any of them help you. Before potatoes were introduced to Ireland, barley and rye were the principal source of calories. He was pretty entertaining to watch for awhile. How DARE you confuse us with scientific proof and irrefutable facts. I am also convinced that eating locally produced food will keep you more in step with the needs of your ethnicity, local adaptions to food sources that have happened over the last several thousand years. Conversely, a healthy gut, strong in probiotics will happily work through no end of plant matter for you. The Hypothesis would predict that more intelligent individuals are more likely to choose to become a vegetarian than less intelligent individuals. A lion may see a sexy lioness and want to get it on with her and if it can, it will. It is the most ethical, healthy and protective way of eating. I used to make my own pizza crust for vegan pizza back in the day. I only cook meat to make it an ingredient. I love the Perfect Health Diet, by the way, and count the Jaminets as friends. I agree that our system is not used to grains, but we have been eating nuts and some tasty seeds that do not require cooking since the beginning, well since we have learnt to crash the nut shells. We should fight for those infrastructure changes because they benefit everyone, and we should do that by being responsible consumers and verbal advocates. Give it a banana and tell it to piss off back to the Miocene. Same with all the other soya filth, TVP and other non-foods that grow in labs. Remember money rules the information age and censors most truth. I recently had a Whipple procedure (surgery) for pancreatic cancer. It appears that human instinct is quite clear on the subject of meat-eating. If all those social and market structures around us fall apart, I can kill a rabbit, deer, cow, pig, bison, other human and eat. While removing many foods that are toxic and digestively harmful, the diet remains natural, extremely nourishing and representative of what our ancestors ate. Reading the immense confidence in your scientific facts that its natural and healthy is all people need to cling to so that any of the feelings we may have had as children about killing things as wrong, to be silenced. Cooked meat: I experienced a serious immune system response, my body did not want the cooked meat, right away it exited my stomach where it was dumped in my GI tract to rot, major gas and abdominal pain. I accuse you of being prejudiced against colon therpay. So there really are centenarians who smoke tobacco. However, I feel better with very fatty meat in my diet. Try eating a lot and find out how bloated you feel until you get used to it.

Timothy J Key, Paul N Appleby, Elizabeth A Spencer, Ruth C Travis, Andrew W Roddam, and Naomi E Allen. Another study shows that grass-fed red meat is healthier. Remember what the letters for the RAVE diet stand for. The consumption of sugars by average human omnivores is strongly correlated with tooth decay. This has had the unfortunate side effect of warping its brain back to the 250cc proto-ape form, thus rendering it incompatible with rational thought. Hitler was not actually a vegetarian, he loved stuffed pigeon, and ate sausage regularly. I am all for learning and even experimenting on myself with food. These were truly wonder drugs, almost magical in their ability to heal and restore health. At this point much of the digestive difficulties with which we are beset today would have been avoided, had someone stopped to examine three questions. My annoying brother-in-law kept trying to tell me that meat rots in your gut. We crush food in the mouth, where amylase (an enzyme) breaks down some of the starches. You can compare the results to your own diet and the condition of your own teeth. So even those who eat meat, must eat plenty of fruits and veg, in fact more than vegetarians. Just found it via a link from the Fat Head Blog. While that may be a flaw in the presentation on the website, it is not a flaw in the diet. Another bunk claim, based on the idea that even the worst industrial feedlot beef is fed on corn and soy its entire life. Apart from that, never met any vegan who ever actually talked to a cow (or another animal for that matter), let alone having a cow talk to it. I confront this, I understand it, and I accept it. I do not feel my time is being well spent attempting to share ideas on most of these comment boards, as most appear to be just biased religious and belief based rantings and twisted views. Contribution of the microflora to proteolysis in the human large intestine. And the scare stores about toxic waste building up in your colon are complete baloney designed to sell you overpriced mixtures of psyllium husk, bentonite clay, and diuretics — or, even worse, high colonic enemas. To the point that humans are primarily carnivores, I believe there are a number of critical dietary components, notably vitamin C, that we only get from plant sources. Voegtlin covers similar ground to the topic of this blog article by J Stanton. In that moment, they could either hunt or starve, so they did it not because they wanted or liked it, but in order to survive, nothing more. However, the early nutritionists knew little about vitamin potentials or limitations. As Satoshi Kanazawa said in the second article you linked. Eating should be a joyous occasion, because it allows life to continue. One of the greatest articles in the paleo genre, congrats. Buffalo milk is much more thick, rich, double fat, protein and minerals and is much more tasty as well. I really like this site and find many useful information. OMNIVORE: Less than or equal to pH 1 with food in stomach. , the tweens and teens. My source on saliva pH and body fuel: THE BIG BOOK OF ENDURANCE TRAINING AND RACING (2010) by Phil Maffetone. If meat were being digested in the colon, we would expect a far greater amount of proteolysis to occur there. What would you do if you actually had to compete with other species for the fruit you claim is your birthright (instead of the competition being exterminated by farmers you rely on). Why We Get Fat And What To Do About It by Gary Taubes. This list includes: Mark Twain, Leonardo Da Vinci, Plutarch, J. This only happens if you take alli (which decreases intestinal fat absorption) or eat Olestra (which is not digestible). We can choose to live a certain way because there are market structures around us that support that. However, a seafood-only approach to paleo is perfectly valid: mussels, for instance, are absolutely packed with nutrients. Rich countries eat more factory farmed meat than poor countries. My theory is that once we stop stuffing ourselves with grain-based junk, our bodies will tell us when we need plant matter in our diets. When I was eating grains, I was perfectly happy to eat a steak and a bunch of pasta dressed in olive oil or alfredo sauce, with no veggies on the plate. If people started eating more grass-fed animals, these food systems would expand, and a new equilibrium would be reached. Before, she was all the time constipated and having a super rough time in taking a shit, after going vegan she has perfect and easy digestion with no constipations and no more problems. One can live in denial, but not for that long obviously. If not, they will get constipated and sick in time. Breakthrough, a documentary about a raw vegan family. So where we take the rest of vitamins and minerals our body needs from. Fresh water fish we can catch with our own bare hands. In addition to its exclusion of animal foods, the RAVE diet allows no refined sugars, no refined grain products, and no added vegetable oils (and no exceptions). There is a big difference of 400 times between PH from 6 to 2, not really acidic. The law of populations is that the population expands to fit the available food supply (read available calories). I just wish I had an explanation for the abdominal upset I have, and it only ever accompanies a meal that includes meat. If you eat meat, your stomach will become more acidic, and food will tend to stay in your stomach longer, in order to break down the meat before releasing it to the small intestine. In data collection, researchers sometimes combine red meat with processed meat, and we should be able to guess that processed meats (the stuff eaten in sandwiches and on pizzas) will then come with several servings of white wheat flour. In summary, we both agree that industrial food production is destructive. It seems well thought out and well written. From the historical context of human nutrition, the modern preoccupation with vitamins, and by extension vegetables, was not due to any real deficiency with our evolutionary diet of animal foods. It was John Wayne who purportedly died with 40 pounds of meat in his colon, not Elvis Presley. I think Mike must be joking, otherwise he really is a weirdo. Kris, I must also disagree that fiber is necessary. Seems that humans only have 1 stomach, not 4. I think that education really only works when people have facts that support reality. From an strength athletes standpoint what do you recommend for carbs then. Through natural instinct, no baby will choose the meat, but a vegan, plant-based food. Funk considered this unknown substance contained in the rice bran to belong in a class of chemicals called amines, and since it appeared to be vital to health, suggested the term vitamine, later contracted to vitamin. First, this is a matter of several hours, not days or weeks. What I do have is a very low tolerance for baloney. By supporting the industry that does it, you might as well be the one in the room doing those terrible things. Even with modern weapons, hunting an animal for food hard work, particularly in the winter and early spring. by starting to eat meat and dairy. Go here for more information: Carnosine, Colons, and Cancer. You want to impose some kind of religious guilt on those of us who eat meat because we kill or pay those who kill for us. Our massive population actually has its genesis in moving over to plant matter as our principal source of food. There you go, issues sorted, resources shared and world peace achieved. I know I certainly do: once I finally embraced saturated fat without reservation, my mood, energy level, and body composition improved dramatically. And in order for human beings to remain disease free(CANCER FREE)we need to keep our PH balance between 7. Cancer incidence in vegetarians: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-Oxford). Sixteen years later, enter iron-deficiency anemia and severe fatigue. But I see no need to discard what humans are in order to achieve that restraint. J will nail this one to the wall, but my little contribution focusses around a healthy gut. Please give me your thought on colon cleansing and let me know what does happen to meat. One side benefit of a paleo diet is the elimination of the biggest, stinkiest fart producer—beans (due to the indigestible sugar raffinose )—and several smaller ones (wheat, oats, all grain products). Why Vegetarians Are More Intelligent than Meat Eaters. Fruitarians and Vegans, if you want to go back to the trees, no one I know is stopping you. The fact is that these animals suffer so much, when we can live healthy without it. Cooked fish: Digested fine however I woke up with a small ball of snot in my throat. Other great apes have intestines that take up 50% of their digestive track whereas our takes up 20%. HCl supplements can be helpful, as can a few tbsp of vinegar taken with the meal. 2 months ago I started doing coffee enemas. We are very grateful for all the hard work that Elaine put into it and we think everyone should own a copy or two. Animals that eat particular foods have digestive tracts designed to handle those foods. Think about how health care costs have increased over the past decades due to the poor health habits of overfed people in the United States. This earth could be a paradise for all with a little adjustment. But add garlic, onions, tomatoes, and spices to it, and it becomes delicious meat loaf. For countries in Africa to become self-sufficient, we would have to become self-sufficient first, because it is we in the West that cannot continue to live as we do without a total reliance on the theft of their resources. The solution: just eat vegan and exercise a little bit. And the fact remains that eating six or seven raw red beans will most likely put you in the hospital, whereas raw meat from all animals is absolutely edible in any quantity. Similarly, eating animals is what humans do — and we are well-adapted to do so in our own way. Some guys here respond to non-flash-eating ideas pretty aggressively, or trying to joke in an very unintelligent way. A Trip Through The Human Digestive System (abridged). I have two daughters, one is a vegetarian and one is not. (Not to mention hunting and gathering your own if you are able to do so. I think it caught fire when you posted it to FB, because this article is suddenly getting a boatload of views. The evidence is quite clear: those who think they do know everything are proven wrong, nearly every day, by new discoveries. I used to make my own Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies. HERBIVORE: 10 to more than 12 times body length. There is a line that must be drawn between beneficial and harmful microbial activity. I suspect he found us interesting and intriguing and had no other way to engage with us other than to talk at us and pray pray pray for some negative attention to be shown to him. Other than that, his article is baloney from start to finish. This is accomplished by beginning the diet with extremely easy to digest, natural foods. Muslims, Jews, and pork, Hindus and beef). Because it is addictive, it is difficult to argue with addiction or with those who hold for life into their piece of meat. I have a history of ulcers(runs in the family) and had treated those for years. Vegans and vegetarians live longer, 10-12 average extra years of life, and having superior life quality at older ages. Even with modern weapons, hunting an animal for food hard work, particularly in the winter and early spring. We are frugivorous apes that should be butt naked and barefoot in the tropics. I find the idea that non-starchy plant foods were a major contributor to our diet implausible due to the simple fact that they contain so few calories. Because I lost all of my intestines and saw the contents directly from the stomach via a jejunostomy, I know for a fact that humans digest meat much easier than vegetables. Rich countries eat more refined carbohydrates, especially sugars, than poor countries. I just want to thank you for this little spat of information. e. You forgot to mention an important fact that will make the cw crowd even more go ballistic. So I was in good hands and am very thankful. Fermentative organisms act only upon carbohydrates or plant food. Peeling it off through the abrasive action of indigestible fiber, laxatives, and high-pressure water is a BAD IDEA, because it leaves your gut permeable to toxins and infection until the mucus can be replaced. So at some point that system is going to crash, and then our populations will be reduced whether we like it or not. Humans have ridged molars, herbivores have flat molars. Cultivation of potatoes increased Irish agricultures production of calories 4x. Otherwise the nutrients we can digest are trapped within the cells, and digestive distress results as our stomachs and small intestine try (and fail) to break down the cellulose. Hays JH, DiSabatino A, Gorman RT, Vincent S, Stillabower ME. Meat eating creatures have a very short intestine and are very acidic, they get rid of it without fiber, we cant. To keep doing the same thing, but expect different results, that is the definition of insanity, yet we just keep on with our past ways. To eat meat in this age of abundance is simply unnecessary cruelty. The other note: requirement for vitamin C is significantly reduced by the metabolic changes that result from a diet centered around protein and fat, rather than carbohydrates. And a noted scientific journal, (the Philidelphia Enquirer), have absolutely CONFIRMED this. Essyelstyn placed similar