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Why do people use diet pills - why do groups use fare things

31-01-2017 à 19:52:34
Why do people use diet pills
Reply Jackie Thomas says November 5, 2014 at 2:21 am God bless you. Cholesterol is one of the most important and healthy substances in the human body. which have not been verified in peer reviewed journals. They range from 0. Many doctors will not take you off a medication. Reply Jasmine N LeMaste says July 29, 2015 at 6:51 am The link to reference six appears to be broken. And getting Vitamin D levels up will probably assist as well. In my opinion, most FH could be handled without statins by skillful application of nutrition. I think now the cause of the heart attack was stress, and never did get an understanding on how to prevent that. There are probably other local labs that will test specifically for it. These are the only two options that have been proven to work. There are many studies showing high cholesterol is healthier than low cholesterol. Weight loss and a fairly strict diet would not get my bad cholesterol numbers down. My blood test also indicated that I am apparently tolerating the drug (liver and kidney markers) well. The only reason I take the Crestor is because of my actual diagnosed heart disease (homogenous, stable carotid plaque). Reply Mary says December 17, 2014 at 9:24 am Dr. He had 3 heart attacks, 2 of which he survived, 2 bypass surgeries. Luck. Does plaque build up in arteries (with no cholesterol issues) automatically mean I go on statins. MY son at 34 got quintuple bypass surgery over christmas and medical frat. I am an avid believer in low carbing (actually high KETO), but lately I have been becoming slightly irate with this fraternity. Now that I have more time to research I think that is a ridiculous way to prescribe. Reply wazza says December 16, 2014 at 8:48 pm Hi Twinkle 57, whilst i represent my own product, i wish it to be known that I am wholeheartedly against statin use, as cholesterol can be controlled through natural whole grain foods, with positive benefits not negative side effects. com, drhyman. I discontinued lisinopril and metoprolol within days, and simvastatin within weeks. mmm I ALSO never get an answer. Most hospitals and doctors are way behind the times when it comes to nutrition. They were smokers, drank, were very thin and did not exercise. They have a lot of good ideas other than drugs. Those who have performed non biased studies on the proper use of statins state that only about 5% of men should actually be prescribed statins and that 0% of women should be prescribed statins. Now because my blood pressure is above what the drug companies RECOMMEND my GP said my LDL should be under 100. And there are many more questions to ask. Docs initially put me on standard protocol of lisinopril, metoprolol, aspirin and simvastatin. You should still listen to the lecture, it is really good. I was amazed at how it lowered my cholesterol, even when eating fatty foods. Reply Adam Dubler says September 22, 2016 at 3:15 pm Red rice yeast essentially has the same active component as lovastatin it is just naturally occurring. A heart attack or stroke can have a significant, negative impact on quality of life—particularly in the elderly—so this benefit should not be discounted. But again it would depend on what changes a person is willing to make. I was treated by top Mass Gen Hospital neurologists and Harvard Medical School teaching docs but the cause of my neuropathy was not found. I think many patients would be shocked at how little their life is likely to be prolonged, even in this so well established bulwark of medicine. Maybe your nutritionist can have the work done locally. Especially considering that after my positive stress test outcome this past August, I went on a complete lifestyle change to better my health. I have read articles that claim statin damage the body and muscles over time, and that they actually CREATE heart disease by often hardening the arteries. Apparently 250 is too high to start a stain now it has to be under 100. Supporting the lymph system with rebounding, arabinogalactin, etc. I am deathly afraid to, given all the negative talk (which I believe) on the internet. An anti-inflammatory diet such as the Paleo diet will cause LDL particles to change from small, sticky bits that cause problems in the body to large, fluffy floating particles that are not dangerous and actually required by our systems. Now, though I might be at greater risk because of family history I question how taking a statin would improve that meaningfully. Statins stop the liver from producing COQ10 so we do need a supplement. It could have been just coincidental I got sick when I was taking it. They are on the payroll of the big pharmas, etc. Reply Maguerite says November 2, 2015 at 12:16 am Familial hypercholesterolemia. Reply Mary says January 16, 2015 at 8:42 am Glad to see someone finally address this. Reply Skygazer32 says January 31, 2014 at 11:54 am On the advice of a friend I questioned my cardiologist above any real benefit or the need for me to take a statin. com, naturalnews. Also there is a FB group which has almost 2500 from all over the world. My mother was concerned since she had such a miserable experience with the drug before. My doc told me to of course continue my Norvasc and Toprol XL (for hypertension), and to start 5mg Crestor daily. Slightly overweight, very fit and healthy (hbp aside) and resisted statins until two years ago when my husband died in Papworth. Exercise seems to be good for my overall health, but it does basically nothing for me as far as weight loss. He came upon this by self administering Lipitor and experiencing Transient Global Amnesia as a result. After reading about the negative side effects of statins, I want to stop. Dad had 2 heart attacks, 2 bypasses, died from clogged artery. In this interview she explains very in depth precisely why NO ONE should be taking statins not even those with hypercholesterolemia. My dad and my doctor kind of made me start taking it because I told them I would not take Statins. Two weeks in, my morning BS is in 108-116 range. Sometimes they are seemingly healthy in most other ways and I am left to interpret their theoretical risk from this known risk factor of LDL-P. We have witnessed these natural cholesterol management and other NCD benefits amongst our users here in Thailand and Australia. Will wait and see what my CoQ10 and CPK blood levels look like and go from there. The type of CoQ10 matters too depending on age. Thank you for spreading the word about the statin myth. Also have history of father with coronary artery disease at very young age- he had triple bypass surgery at age 38). Up until last year I had been an avid cyclist. I suggested that there is a lot of chatter these days and most of it seems to be pointing to a scam by the drug industry. How much of these nutrients to take and what foods to eat varies widely, but there are many highly effective tools that a skilled nutritionist can use to balance cholesterol and reduce oxidation. Learn More B12 Deficiency What do memory loss, depression, anxiety, fatigue, nerve pain, and infertility have in common. He says to abstain from all of the necessary foods and never mentioned all of the breads and high carbs she was eating as the culprit to her heart disease. I think that has helped me avoid some of the side effects. Reply george r best,md says July 24, 2016 at 4:05 pm CLOE7 I AM A PHYSICIAN, ANESTHESIOLOGIST, AND YOUR PLIGHT TUGGED AT MY HEART STRINGS. Whereas just before my diagnosis they were not. I have used very low doses to effectively do this, but still doubt if this is really doing anyone a favor. Plus, on certain days, I get muscle pain between my shoulder blades. So if there really is a life benefit in statins then it is only in short term use in secondary prevention. I now have total heart block and need a pacemaker with defibrillator. In this articles you have to state the exceptions to the rule. Reply Fraser Burling says May 22, 2014 at 5:25 pm The benefits of statins grow less as newer studies come out. That was despite accounting for heart disease for those on statins in the analysis. doesnt touch us with barge poles. I am certain that the purpose is strictly profit motive. I also supplement with glutamine, glutathione, serine, L-Acetylsystein, and antioxidants. Learn More The Low Down on Low Carb What is a low carb diet, really. The prescription medicine worked to a point but was not clearing completely. Reply Jackie Thomas says November 2, 2014 at 9:10 am go on wpfb diet. You can get all of the information you need online and through books, but of course sometimes that information is not good, so you have to learn to filter what is good and what is bad. Yet in spite of this marked reduction in LDL cholesterol in the statin group, there was no difference in lifespan between the two groups. Your heart has the highest concentration of COQ10 of any organ. It is essential for hormones, brain function, heart function, gut function, childhood development, etc. My shoulder blade area is sore, and even hurts at times, no doubt due to the Crestor side effects. Everyone has to do what they feel is best for them, hopefully with the helpful advice of a good doctor. After only a few days on Vytorin my mother began having horrible, and I mean horrible bouts of acid reflux. If it does at a later time, then please ignore the double post. Reply Twinkle57 says September 7, 2014 at 1:11 am 66 yr old female uk. Reply charles grashow says March 3, 2014 at 9:35 am If you wish to stop carotid plaque growth or get plaque regression WITHOUT the use of statins then your only other choice may be a diet like Esselstyn, Ornish, Fuhrman or Pritikin. Reply Daniel says August 31, 2015 at 7:02 am Mary I forgot to mention that I have been taking a nonprescription form of NAC and I have not had any side effects from it. Everything else looks good (homocysteine, hs-crp, C-reactive protein). At least know what supplements you need to take and then get tested to make sure they do not go below a healthy level. Reply Daniel says August 31, 2015 at 6:46 am Ray, What you are looking for may not exist. This last Fall and Winter I was pretty inactive and ate a terrible diet. I supplement with cod liver oil and vitamin D, along with magnesium and B-complex. Reply jeffg says April 28, 2014 at 1:36 am My Father got put on statins and I flipped out. As for FH, there are varying opinions amongst nutritionists, the opinion of Dr. No small wonder heart disease has skyrocketed over the past 30 years. Other than articles which recommend therapies like the Pauling Protocol, etc. About 8 days later I had full blood work done at my doctor and my ldl level was 166 which is considered high. He told me the opposite of what you said. There Reply Mary says December 17, 2014 at 10:07 am Peer Review journals will most likely will not take an article that is not about a drug. So charles, I wanted to give you a link to a lecture by byron richards, an excellent CCN, who discusses what causes high blood pressure, what to do about it, and why drugs are never needed except in emergency situations for a short period of time. The thought of having to follow a strict regimen including a low carb diet, with vigorous exercise, trying to lose the weight, is scary for me. I finally relented in 1999 at the age of 44, on the advice of a cardiologist, to go on Lipitor. Since the LDL is based on a formula that subtracts triglycerides thus lowering LDL. Can find nothing on whether my prescribed Statins would help with this. Your nutritionist can refer you to a high quality form of NAC. My doctor started me on 5mg Crestor (daily) six months ago, and he says that the 29% is a good number. He discusses why the blood pressure medications are very toxic and damaging and should be avoided. Reply Daniel says August 31, 2015 at 8:53 am Skygazer32 I believe that the statins are a major scam by the drug companies. This is true even when the risk of heart disease is high. Statins are a huge fraud and make billions of dollars for drug companies and are damaging millions of people. Reply David says April 1, 2014 at 5:01 pm Thanks DM. Get your numbers down by diet and exercise. Reply Maguerite says August 31, 2015 at 10:24 am sorry again Doc. In the third article, I discussed the five primary causes of elevated LDL particle number. They are required to follow certain drug protocols or face legal consequences. In a large meta-analysis of 11 randomized controlled trials by Kausik Ray, MD and colleagues published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, statins were not associated with a significant reduction in the risk of death from all causes. Reply Jackie Thomas says November 5, 2014 at 2:22 am well, FIX it. Best wishes. in context of CAD. My grandparents, on the other hand, did none of the above, and lived long, healthy lives. All of my vitamin levels were good but I was low in COQ10, Glutamine, Glutathione, Serine and antioxidants. Would Niacin-SR or red yeast rice be a viable alternative. Learn More Nutrition for Healthy Skin Skin problems like acne, eczema, and rosacea are epidemic, yet conventional treatments rarely work. Does that natural process being inhibited sound like a good thing to you. There are so many good functional physicians and naturopaths online (Chris obviously but also marksdailyapple. fats, scads of sugar in his coffee. It will be quite an education and very eye opening when you realize almost everything that conventional doctors do for these issues is completely wrong. In the interim, I would advise you to take Jackie Thomas advice. I am 59 years old and have been seeing a cardiologist since I was 44 because I had my first event of atrial fibrillation when I was 38. spacedoc DOT net Dr. I was originally prescribed a statin after having a routine physical. And I am not saying high cholesterol is healthy, just not as unhealthy as claimed by those making billions of dollars from it. Reply Daniel says August 31, 2015 at 8:12 am Sue, You might consider going to a licensed nutritionist. Al Sears that statins make it harder for the pulse rate to increase with exercise. Statins have been shown to cause a number of side effects, such as muscle pain and cognitive problems, and they are probably more common than currently estimated due to under-reporting. The reason he suggested a statin was based on family history. I believe they have caused more deaths and suffering than they have prevented. One of the most troubling side effects of statins that has only recently become apparent is their potential to increase the risk of diabetes, especially in women. Do I take what a doctor says with face value any more. Graveline hosts a most comprehensive resource for the Statin health issues. The doctors would not leave me alone so i finally got the pills and am taking Ubiqunol with them. Or, can a low carb diet ruin your health. Reply Jackie Thomas says November 5, 2014 at 2:19 am well, you know, you have a choice in this. My mother eventually succumbed to kidney and liver failure (my mother rarely ever had alcoholic beverages). Read this eBook to find out which ingredients you should be concerned about, and which are safe. She was on Plavis which caused severe bruising and bleeding. Reply Michael Watson says July 24, 2014 at 10:43 am Chris, Please see the website for Dr. Reply Jackie Thomas says November 2, 2014 at 9:09 am Hold your ground. Before we dive into the statistics on statins, I need to briefly explain the difference between relative and absolute risk reduction. Reply Ellinas Ohio says March 3, 2014 at 7:29 am Yes, I take 100mg of CoQ10 a day. Her energy levels continued to plummet, and her once bubbly and vivacious personality was wiped away. Then there is the prospective population-based study that showed people with the highest cholesterol lived the longest (Honolulu Heart study: Lancet 4 August 2001) while those with the lowest cholesterol (including those on statins) died soonest. Reply helen says February 4, 2014 at 8:58 am I too (54 yo female, fit, normal BMI, healthy diet) have been told I must take Statins due toFH (although they cannot check this as I have no surviving close family) but I have very high cholesterol and further tests have shown I have an Lp-PLA reading of 277 (which apparently IS an indicator of high risk plaque formation). If you do take a statin you must get a nutrition panel performed to track deficiencies caused by the statins. Reply Lynn says May 2, 2014 at 12:46 pm Hi, I know this is an older thread but hoping for some advice. Plus a friendly cardiologist will also be nice, but he HAS to firstly support my high fat diet. Doctors are often all about just getting a number, which shows very little understanding about how the body actually works and what it needs. It was so severe that my mother would be in tears from the abdominal cramping and acid reflux. I had a complete nutrient panel done in May 2014 and again in August 2015. Reply charles grashow says February 8, 2014 at 3:29 pm Are you taking CoQ10. Reply Ellinas Ohio says June 30, 2014 at 8:07 am I posted here before. In men under 80 without pre-existing heart disease, men over 80 with or without heart disease, and women of any age with or without heart disease, statins have not been shown to extend lifespan. Statins do reduce the risk of heart attack and other CVD events in men over the age of 80, and especially at this age, these events can have a significant negative impact on quality of life. ( 7 ) They also observed that all but one of the clinical trials providing evidence on this issue were sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry. Whatever, they make me feel SO ill and depressed I am giving them up and have been given a prescription from the nutritionist which includes niacin, fish oils, curcumin and cholesterase. Are there references for the info in this article to actually bring and present to a GP. If you take red rice yeast you are taking a statin. Find out what the latest research says in this eBook, and learn how to prevent and treat heart disease naturally. At first, I had a few muscle aches, but I am now tolerating the statin very well. are just not achievable at the present time (hope he just needs to get his extremely low iron levels, Vit. She explains why statins are actually very bad for the heart and cause widespread catastrophic damage. He routinely will take his patients off of statin drugs. Make sure you are tested on a regular basis to make sure it is a high enough dose. I see a statin as having much more side effects than niacin would have and I would use Co Q 10 to replace what the statins removed from body that my heart needs. Reply Marion says December 21, 2014 at 10:40 am Hey Lynne, just saw your comment. Are Statins really the first best choice, if life style changes such as stopping to smoke, exercise, diet etc. My daughter and I both have Lyme so detox is key. Nutrition and lifestyle changes are the answer, drugs are not and never will be. Read about our cold pressed whole grain essential products for yourself. Few veggies, fruits, a lot of meat, sat. I found out too late that statins STOP your liver from producing COQ10. 2 things to take into consideration: 1) If your LDL is higher than expected, it would be very beneficial to determine the size of the cholesterol particles. Makes no sense to me since high triglyceride readings are not good. It should first be realized that high cholesterol is not nearly as unhealthy as big pharma wants us to think it is. Doc wants to put me on statins because my dad had heart disease and had his first heart attack at 55 BUT he was a chain smoker, his diet consisted of Oreos and Pepsi and he was a prominent defense lawyer defending criminals, worked excessive hours. Statins do reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in all populations. Several large controlled trials including 4S, CARE, LIPID, HPS, TNT, MIRACL, PROV-IT and A to Z have shown relative risk reductions between 7% on the low end in MIRACL and 32% on the high end in 4S, with an average risk reduction of about 20%. Learn More The Diet-Heart Myth Does eating cholesterol and saturated fat really cause heart disease. Eating foods like broccoli sprouts, noni, and miso. So if a person has FH and high cholesterol, what are their ratios, what is the LDL-P what kind of oxidation is going on. Duane Graveline, former Astronaut and Flight Surgeon with NASA amongst other accomplishments. The physical determined I had an irregular ekg, so I went to a cardiologist who confirmed the irregularity and a stress test and ecg were performed. Reply Honora says September 4, 2014 at 2:19 am Another cause of plaque is hyperhomocystinemia. This statin was the holy grail of BAD medicine.

I would suggest you closely read this book, and come to your own conclusion along with your doc (or get a second or third opinion). The cod liver oil I take has vitamin D in it as well. Without it you will suffer massive heart damage like me. But with all the blooming side effects we have to live with, unfortunately we have to take them. Graveline is one of the best places to find out what these statin drugs are really doing. The next day she was in the ER, the next day, in the morgue. My uncle weighs over 300 pounds and is diabetic. com etc) that would allow you to educate yourself further rather than having to trust your doctor blindly. Two years ago I was diagnosed with colon cancer and during the last chemo round it was noticed that I had heart problems and had 4 blocked arteries with one 72 percent,so I got a stent. The fact of the matter is that cholesterol is one of the key substances for brain tissue health. The doctor said my vitamin D blood level was low. But of course, I am wondering, AT WHAT COST. I believe the three years she was on so many many of those medications it ravaged her frail body combined with the rounds of general anesthesia. However, absolute risk reductions are much more modest. He was a terrible smoker, a non-exerciser, and bad eater. They have made more money for the drug industry than any other drug in history so of course the all powerful drug industry fights very hard to keep them around and to maintain the illusion they are actually helpful and that high cholesterol is terrible and must be lowered at any cost or else a heart attach is imminent. Categories Heart Disease Statins Affiliate Disclosure This website contains affiliate links, which means Chris may receive a percentage of any product or service you purchase using the links in the articles or advertisements. Even the low carb diet does not seem to have a major benefit in reducing my cholesterol. Again, I was diagnosed last year with 20-39% left carotid artery blockage (otherwise healthy). Even when presented with valid studies of the dangers they still tow the drug company line. Reply Daniel says August 31, 2015 at 6:30 am Wendy, I was not diabetic and did not have heart disease before taking a statin. Get your COQ10 levels tested to make sure you are taking enough supplement to keep your heart healthy. He had triple bypass surgery when he was 60 years old. In that case, maybe the high LDL is protective and confers no risk at all for heart disease. I am a nutrition researcher, not a medical professional, so take it for what its worth. I had a complete nutrient panel done in May 2014 and again in August 2015. It was actually this site that encouraged me to do this. There are many other great sites as well, including this one. I need to lose about 30 pounds and exercise more. It is oxidized cholesterol that is of particular concern and it is LDL-P and ratios that are actually more important and these are heavily influenced by diet and lifestyle even with FH. If you do take NAC and experience any side effects, please just stop taking it. I have noticed they keep lowering the cholesterol levels to ridiculous amounts (under 100). Reply Mary says January 16, 2015 at 8:34 am I finally have succumbed to Lipitor 10 after a few years of no statins. Here are my numbers: Total 258, LDL 167(last yr 190), HDL, 85, Triglycerides 28. I supplement with 100 mg of CoQ10 twice daily, magnesium, cod liver oil, vitamin B complex and vitamin D3. But even in the population for which statins are most effective—those with pre-existing heart disease—83 people have to be treated to extend one life, and 39 people have to be treated to prevent a repeat heart attack. Years later my mother was assigned to a cardiologist. I think my concern should be more on oxidizing oils and too much sugar in my body that can cause harm than what my cholesterol levels are causing if any at all. Cholesterol 7 and on high blood pressure pills. I have a history of IBD, now in remission, but did take low dose steroids for several years. and lived long lives. My BP is controlled but of late my eating habits have deteriorated out of severe stress. My mother passed from this world at the age of 86. Reply Daniel says August 31, 2015 at 8:01 am Lynn I would not jump on the statin band wagon until seeing a licensed nutritionist. My cholesterol numbers improved after starting on Lipitor. My mom also was a heavy smoker, no exercise, etc. I now go to a nutritionist who has me tested for 30 different nutrients needed for good overall health. Were you advised to take CoQ10 with the statin. Reply helen says February 4, 2014 at 11:44 am Only Rosuvastatin. Avoiding sugar and wheat. Reply Anneke Major says November 17, 2016 at 3:45 pm I have been on statins for more then 10 years. So what is the alternative. But statins are not free, nor are they harmless. However, as I said to Sean, you need to become your own health expert by reading and listening. Moreover, these results do not apply to all populations across the board. There many many nutritional interventions for healthy cholesterol. A good nutritionist will give you some viable alternatives. Ads from pharmaceutical companies support those journals, so the reason why may be a bit obvious. I have the MTH fr c677t Gene mutation (homozygous two copies) which predisposes you to coronary artery disease. Reply Daniel says August 31, 2015 at 6:58 am Mark, you might have another nutrient deficiency other than vitamin. I was not diabetic and did not have heart disease before taking a statin. And after several weeks the muscle cramping subsided substantially, but there were still everlasting effects of minor muscle pain in her legs that went away after a few months. Any doc who says that general anesthesia is perfectly safe is a bold face liar. A meta-analysis of statin trials in people without heart disease by the prestigious Cochrane Collaboration came to a similar conclusion. I hope you are also encouraging patients on here to watch for loss of oxygen in their muscles when taking these drugs. My mom has 230 overall for her cholesterol. This is, of course, VERY disconcerting and even maddens me. She said under the new guidelines, those numbers would be ok but because of my father and the fact that I already do everything right (nothing to improve on) she thinks I should go on Lipitor. I have somewhat of a family history of high cholesterol. Menu Articles Recent Articles Should You Really Be Taking Fish Oil. Reply Andrew says February 12, 2014 at 1:52 pm Hi Chris, Would you mind posting some of your sources. These somewhat unimpressive benefits must also be weighed against the downsides of therapy, such as side effects and cost. Reply Sonya Johnston says September 3, 2015 at 11:50 am Thank you. Learn More Gut Health Research suggests that healing your gut may be the single most important thing you can do to improve your health. Instead, I look to my grandparents, who did not smoke, etc. Reply Nick a says March 28, 2014 at 4:05 pm Great article. Statins are PROVEN to stop the liver from producing COQ10. Just gotta do it, no matter what these horrible docs tell us. What are your thoughts about statin use for me. Reply Jackie Thomas says November 2, 2014 at 9:08 am Robert, am so sorry to hear about your mom. Find out why thyroid problems are so often mis-diagnosed, what really causes them, and how to heal them naturally. Note that this is a relative risk, so the absolute risk of developing diabetes while taking a statin is very low. We truly live in a day and age of conflicting claims, and it has become impossible even for those like me that read and try to educate themselves, to sort through it all. Previous studies suggesting that statins are effective in reducing death in people without pre-existing heart disease included some people that did have heart disease, which would have skewed the results. com, and wellnessresources. Reply tony Marasco says November 4, 2014 at 1:56 pm My doctors place a lot of weight in high LDL calc reading. What dietary changes would you make it you had FH. I discount both of them from my family history in health. Can I take non flushing niacin, Co Q 10 and D ribose and expect similar results compared to Artorvarstatin. 8% in MIRACL on the low end to 9% in 4S on the high end, with an average of 3%. Of course, my intermittent side effects would tell me otherwise. Without it you will suffer massive heart damage like me. Remember drug companies are more interested in your money than your health. Unfortunately I did not know this until after the damage was done. My GP prescribed a statin when my LDL was 163. I talked to her cardiologist about how adversely it was effecting my mother. Had a physical this week and all numbers were great with the exception of my LDL. Reply Maguerite says March 31, 2014 at 7:51 am Sue, I feel 100% the same as you do. My doctor never told me to take additional CoQ10 to combat the deficiencies statins cause. ( 6 ) This trial included 65,000 people without pre-existing heart disease but with intermediate to high risk of heart disease. You must do it yourself and hopefully you have an alternative. Researchers and pharmaceutical companies often use relative risk statistics to report the results of drug studies. Reply Mark says August 13, 2014 at 12:01 pm Very interesting. Her mother (my grandmother) was an outstanding baker. Reply John Baker says March 3, 2014 at 5:03 am I just have to say thanks for putting this information together. Can you please update with a working link, or provide the reference to that study. I used to get a bout of bronchitis every winter, similar to you, but have not had it for awhile now. Reply Chloe7 says September 4, 2014 at 3:13 am Hi Doc, well all of this sounds just right and dandy but I find not a SINGLE, not ONE medical professional who is interested in our dilemma. I used a company called Spectracell. He has written 3 books detailing the negative health impact of statins. Some of these studies are published in prominent american medical association journals. I know it can be difficult, but so is heart attacks, having your heart cracked, etc. I told them to never test lipids again and forget about it. Then in JAMA 23 October 2013 we see that statins in intensive care increased mortality 21. I now have total heart block and need a pacemaker with defibrillator. Our kind is a wonderful opportunity for low carbing doctors to prove its worth to the whole world. The only study to go 15 years, the PROSPER study (PLOSone, Sept 2013) showed reduction of heart attacks but no life benefit. 2% in control group. I would suggest doing a lot of reading on mercola. Reply DM says February 7, 2014 at 12:25 pm Thats great. For heart health nothing beats smoking cessation, a healthy diet (closer to natural the better, the more processed the worse), and aerobic exercise. Reply Mark says August 13, 2014 at 2:49 pm Thanks for the quick Reply Jonathan. Statin use has been associated with a wide range of side effects, including myopathy (muscle pain), liver damage, cataracts, kidney failure, cognitive impairment, impotence and diabetes. They found that statin use was associated with a 9% increased risk in developing diabetes. I do think Dr Ornish is about as responsible as Ancel Keys was for as they both seem to have had phony ideas. Reply Daniel says August 31, 2015 at 7:00 am Mary, I think your best option is to see a licensed nutritionist and to get a complete nutrient panel performed. Prior to my heart attack, I was and am still in pretty good shape, ate well with daily exercising. I stopped taking it when my LDL hit 36 and I had to have my 2nd pacemaker implanted in less than 1 year. But we now know how ravaging sugar is to our vascular system. It might help with muscle issues, but the depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts etc could still be a risk. It was important because it was the first review that only included participants without known heart disease. There are probably other local labs that will test specifically for it. And on top of this, I have read articles on the internet that statins actually may CAUSE arteries to harden. Reply Chris Montanaro says March 3, 2015 at 12:06 am Firstly, thanks for posting the real statistics. Reply Mary says December 17, 2014 at 10:14 am I read an article by Dr. I have had some muscle cramping over the years that I was concerned may be caused by the Lipitor. Sign up for FREE updates delivered to your inbox. I would also suggest a blood test to check on CoQ10 levels. Reply Jackie Thomas says November 2, 2014 at 8:37 am My dad managed to hang on until he was about 75. I get my blood panel performed by a company in Texas called Spectracell. My prescription is for 20mg per day but I am sawing them in half. Get your COQ10 levels tested to make sure you are taking enough supplement to keep your heart healthy. Learn More Effortless Paleo Weight Loss Are you struggling to lose weight—or keep it off. See my post above on may 15th of last year to see what the most important things are for cardiovascular health. I walk my dog daily, as well as doing 30 to 40 minutes on my treadmill. Well it may for some but I have an integrative medicine MD that has had numerous patients try it with no success. My primary care doc still wants me on statins. This is a shocking expose of the medical profession as we know it and links to the FDA. They may help in rare cases for people who refuse to change their diet and lifestyle but compared to real solutions to cholesterol and cardiovascular problems they amount to total fraud. I only eat grass-fed beef and pastured poultry and eggs, lots of organic veggies, take CoQ10, fish oil, probiotics and continue low-dose aspirin. Research has indicated that use of statins creates a change in the Tau protiens within the brain which mimics brain tissue found in Alzheimer patients who allow the research of their brain tissue upon death. I had my 6 month follow up carotid ultrasound just the other day, and more specifically, my blockage was 29% (instead of a range). Whenever I have tried to take vitamin C supplements, I seem to get a cold or flu. intermittent fasting, Reducing inflammation, etc, etc. As far as what dietary changes I would make, that is quite a complicated question and could vary greatly from person to person. I filled out the prescription for Crestor, but have not taken any pills yet, wanting to thoroughly research statins before I started popping them. 2% vs 15. The only kind of diet I can lose weight on is low carb. More profits for the drug companies. Reply Mark says March 31, 2014 at 11:03 am Good luck finding a cardiologist who does not push statins. This is yet another line of evidence suggesting that the amount of cholesterol in LDL particles is not the driving factor in heart disease. The Drug companies, the AMA and the FDA have known about these dangerous effects from statins since 1987 yet refuse to warn patients to take supplements. LDL was moderately high, esp. Seneff in the interview I reference is that not even those with FH should be taking statins. Oh, yes, I do practice what I preach. Reply DM says February 4, 2014 at 7:13 am Your doctor is ignorant and does not know what he is talking about whatsoever. Weight Energy Digestion Brain Overall Health All of the Above I hate spam too. That is what caused my total heart block. I stopped taking the statins and in only one week I can stand and walk. I told him that I refuse to take a statin and he is insistent that it is an absolute necessity. Reply DM says October 31, 2013 at 7:44 am ellinas, I will give you my opinion on this. Find out what really causes skin problems, and how simple dietary changes can restore the clear, beautiful skin you desire. Cut through the confusion and hype and find out which sweeteners are safe for you and your family. I also list out the most important nutrients for heart health in one of the posts. Dad has 205 and his sister has 254 she takes Statins to help lower hers. Perhaps these people all have subclinical infectious irritation (SIBO or whatever). My intention here is not to suggest that statins have no place in the treatment of heart disease, but rather to give you the objective information you need to decide (along with your doctor) whether they are appropriate for you. They can all be caused by B12 deficiency. So you can see why the thought of going off the statin is scary. There might be other nutrients that will help your condition. Reply Bernadette says September 15, 2015 at 10:36 am Looking for clarification. Also, when my cholesterol started becoming more elevated, my cardiologist increased my Lipitor dose from 10 mg to 20 mg. Your heart has the highest concentration of COQ10 of any organ. Reply Mary says January 16, 2015 at 8:38 am I wonder if you were taking Ubiqunol or COQ-10 Bio-available to protect your muscles while on statins. Reply charles grashow says February 27, 2014 at 12:21 pm Reply DM says February 7, 2014 at 10:07 am Well I will try this again, the comment did not seem to get posted. Reply Mary says December 17, 2014 at 9:22 am It is possible that NAC (N-acetylcysteine) might help keep the lungs clear. I figure that illnesses in people are caused by lifestyle as much or more than genes. I dropped from 231 pounds to 208 currently, and my goal is 175. Reply Mark says April 28, 2014 at 10:32 am Hi jeffg, Glad to hear about your success without statins. The medical profession does not teach nutrition to doctors. Statins will never compete with what is available nutritionally. I found out too late that statins STOP your liver from producing COQ10. I occasionally have muscle cramping and twitching and am concerned about that. They do not care how many Americans are maimed and killed by statins. Do you happen to know his cause of death. Also, my mother could barely walk due to advanced pain in her legs. com, greenmedinfo. I used a company called Spectracell but I am sure there are others that can perform the blood analysis. PS: dad had a 2nd heart attack 7 ys later, after his first and after improving his lifestyle. After a few weeks my mother had tremendous pain in her legs and upper arms. And it may mean a person has to just live with high cholesterol as long as their ratios and other markers are good and the oxidation is low. I have been taking supplements for more than 1 year and was retested. com about statins, cholesterol, heart disease, and hypertension. And that the blood pressure medication itself is very toxic and damaging and should be avoided. If you do not have a nutritionist you might consider one. Plus, my doc tells me that he has some patients who showed mild to very significant plaque regression within their carotids, while on the Crestor. Naveed Sattar and colleagues published in The Lancet in 2010 examined 13 randomized clinical trials involving over 90,000 patients taking statins. Great article though and I hope anyone reading this that may be suffering from heart disease start thinking of alternatives like exercise and change in diet. My mother was also on seven drugs total prescribed by her cardiologist. I told my cardiologist about it and he attributed it to something else, not the statin. As to statins what would you say to someone who has FH. My dad also was a heavy smoker, bad food, no exercise, everything against good health.

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